[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Quaker Log Book Transcription” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Fairfax Meeting of Friends,
Waterford, Virginia
Visitor Log book:
6th Mo (June) 28, 1761- 11th Mo (November) 1812
Original donated to Waterford Foundation Local History Collection by David Chamberlin on September 14, 2006; partial set of pages scanned by archivist Edith Crockett; copy transcribed and indexed by Bronwen C. Souders, Education Committee, Waterford Foundation, September 15-November 25, 2006.
Spelling, capitalization, punctuation and spacing are as in original. Names enlarged as in original; dates and places bold-faced for clarity; years are underlined. When searching for a name, check all possible spelling variants; there were different clerks in the course of the document and many names were spelled phonetically. Page numbers in index refer to the typed transcription, not the original document. “Page numbers” of original document—while not marked in the original on every page, are indicated in the transcription by a bracketed page number or as, for example, 23rd page, right” in bold type.
The document has no cover, there are two handstitched leaflets (6 Mo 28 1761-4 Mo 28th 1770 and 4th Mo 21st 1773-11th Mo 1812) with a three year gap between dates; the first two pages are loose; the rest in fragile and brittle condition.
The pages measure 6” x 7 ¼”. BCS
[p. 1]
1761 6 Mo 28th William Hunt from North Carolina was here and spoke porse[?]-fully to the People
10 Mo 18th Samuel Spencer & Daniel Morgan both from Pensylvania visited this meeting sp[oke?] closely to the people perticularly those who are in the practice of stilling grain & using the Liquor to excess
27th of same Month Henry Marsh & Richard Buller were here both from Pensylvania the said Marsh Exhorted us to keep our Minds from Roving after strange Lovers & to walk in the Light
11th Mo 8th William Hunt was at our Meeting on his Return from Pensylvania but had Nothing to Offer in Publick—
13th Joseph Jones & Wm Amos were here from Maryland and spoke Closely Concerning Profession without Possession.
[p. 2]
1761 8th Mo [day torn] James Rigby & Companion visited this Meeting from Maryland, whose light was well Received by Many—25th they were here again on their Return from Hopewell
12 Mo 13th Robert Proud & John Steven for both Friends from Old England Visited our Meeting on their way to Carolinia—Likewise Ailce [sic] Hall from England & Anne Newland from Pensylvania Accompanied by Isaac Greenleaf of Philadelphia were here on their way to Carolinia But Isaac Greenleaf Returning home from Hopewell John Hough Accompanyed the women Friends to James River where Meeting with John Stevenson who found himself Clear on that Course Returned back with John Hough and was at our Meeting the 7th of the sm Mo 1762 and spoke Very Closely to many States/Steps?
1 Mo 24th George Matthews was at our Meeting from Carolinia & spoke to Several States—
1762 3 Mo 9th Hannah Harris & Elizabeth Wilkinson both from old England Visited us on their Return from Carolinia toward Pensylvania Hannah Harris (an Extraordinary Woman) spoke largely & livingly [sic] to the people As Also her Companion Concerning Abraham’s Integrity when he offerd up his Son, the Next day being our Meeting day they Stayed the Meeting and the day following went to Maryland Accompanyed by John Hough & Mahlon Janney—
23rd Robert Proud was at our Meeting Again on his Return from Carolinia & spoke Encouraging to some both Aged & Youth. The next day set out for Philadelphia intending to be at the General Spring Meeting there John Hough Accompanying him—
5 Mo William & Benjamin Jones from New Jersey Visited us who spoke of the Service of Silent Meetings—
1762 5 Mo 24th Jonathan Maris from Pennsylvania was at our Meeting and spoke so Powerfully that the Meeting seemed generally Affected—James Bartram Accompanyed him
29th Our Worthy Friend John Scarborough from Pensylvania Visited us he spoke largely and to General Satisfaction it being our Mo Meeting he attended the Service thereof and gave wholesome [sic] Advice in Matters of Discipline. The next day being the first of the week he stayed our Meeting and spoke so livingly [sic] that many were affected. He was accompanyed by John Pickerall.
10 Mo 22nd John Smith from Black Water[inserted] Surry Coty [end insert] in Virginia Visited us and spoke Closely to the People Joseph Bailey Accompanyed him. The 30th they were here again it being our Mo Meeting they stayed our first day Meeting Next day. Said Smith Appearing in the Ministry at both those Meetings.
[p. 5]
1762 11 Mo 24th James More Thomas Millhouse Jr, Elizabeth Brown & Hannah West Visited our preparative and Mo Meeting They being part of a Committee Appointed by our Yearly Meeting for that Service
1763 5 Mo 28 James More Again Visited us at our Monthly Meeting
Mary Brooke Mary Ballinger Ester and Sidney Wright at Different times Visited our Meeting but the time was neglected to be set Down Likewise Henry Rees a young man from Hopewell
6 Mo 25th and 26th Martha Mendinghall [sic] from Hopewell was at our Meeting and said a great Deal
29th Martha Branson from Hopewell was at our Meeting and Warned Friends to Beware of the Surfiting Cares of this life which are hurtfull
[p. 6]
9 Mo 7th Mary Comely from Maryland Visited our Meeting and spoke closely to Friends. Her Companion Mary Price.
10 Mo 16th Mary Robertson from Pensylvania Visited our Meeting on her way to Hopewell and on the 23rd was here again on her Return and Stayed Untill [sic] the 29th being our Mo Meeting She having good service among Friends
1763 10 Mo 23rd Sidney Wright was at our Meeting and spoke Awfully [ie, inspiring awe]
26th Henry Mash, Adam Red, William Matthews & William Hervey was at our preparative Meeting Stayd until Mo Meeting and were of Service therein Also staid first day Meeting which was to the Comfort of many
29th Being the Above Mo Meeting day Isaac Everitt was there, also at our first day Meeting the Next day he Appearing in both Meetings
[p. 7]
1764 8th Mo 25th Martha Branson from Crooked Run Visited our Mo Meeting and was of good service
10 Mo 21st Samuel Spencer was at our First day Meeting and Exhorted Friends stedfastly [sic] to __ their Possessions in the Truth and not for the Lord and Worship an Unknown God
10 Mo 25th Isaac Whitlock, Isaac Jackson, Andrew More, David Brown Margret [sic] Sidwell Margrett [sic] Brown and Hannah Pierce attend [sic] our Preparative & Mo Meetings and were of good service therein they being a Committee Approved by our Quarterly Meeting to Visit Friends in those parts they stayed Meeting on first day and then proceed towards Hopewell, taking Meetings in their way.
11 Mo 4th Thomas Buller was at our Meeting on his way to Carolinia Accompanyed by Jonas Chamberlain and Wife
1764 11 Mo 7th Henry Mash again Visited our Meeting Exhorting Friends to Double their Diligence and come up in the Discharge of their Duty—in Assembling together and when Met to Endeavour to have the Mind brought home and kept from Roving Abroad
[fragment missing] Mo 5th William Rukitt from old England was here and laboured much in the Ministry of the Gospel to the Edification of Many—He was at Goose Creek & the Gap Meetings & so at Fairfax again the 9th and spoke closely to many States & Conditions them proceeded towards Carolinia having Benjamin Ferris of Wilmington for his Companion
1765 4 Mo 27th Sidney Wright was Again at our Mo Meeting & spoke Weightily therein Also staid our First day Meeting
5 Mo 12th Sarah Rigby was at our Meeting and gave a great Deal of Wholsome [sic] Advice
5 Mo 25th Martha Branson was again at our Mo Meeting & spoke with Authority to Friends
6 Mo 19th William Levis [sic—Lewis?] Elizabeth Janney and Sarah Nocks were at our Meeting went to Crooked Run & Hopewell and Returnd to our Mo Meeting where they were of help to Friends both in Meeting for Worship & Discipline Martha Mendenhall was here likewise and Appeard as Noted before in a former Visit
9 Mo 28th Abagail [sic] Pike & Elizabeth Norton from North Carolinia were at our No Meeting and Attended our first day meeting their visit was well Received by Many They were accompanied by Charles Stought Being on their way to Pensylvania.
9 Mo 28th Martha Branson was Again at our Mo & first day Meetings whose Labour was Exceptable [sic]
[p. 10]
1765 10 Mo 6th Anne More from Maryland was at our Meeting & Exhorted in the Authority of Truth to the Edification of Many and finding a Concern to Visit the Families of Friends belonging to Fairfax particular [sic] Meeting. She being Accompanyed by Divers Friends belonging to said Meeting performd the Service to Satisfaction and the course of sd Visit was Diverse times at our Meeting her labour of Love being well Recd
It may further be Noted that after she had Visited the Families of Friends belonging to Fairfax she found her self Engaged to Visit the other Branches of the Mo Meeting and so proceeded to Visit the Gap Meeting and Families and then Goose Creek Meeting & Families performing her Visit but in part Untill she Returned Home where staying about a month—She came again to our Mo Meeting & next day went to the Gap Meeting & the day following visited some Families and the day after was at our Meeting which was appointed by our own Friend John Griffith from Old England & Thomas
Ross from Pensylvania who attended the same on their way to Carolinia whose Labour of Love was well received—the day following our Friend Ann More proceeded with the before-mentioned Friends & Divers of the Members of our Meeting to Goose Creek Meeting and After the same returnd by our Week day Meeting to Bush Creek & Pipe Creek proforming [sic] a Visit to both Meetings and Families there and so Returnd home.
1765 12 Mo 25th Henry Mash was Again at our Preparitive Meeting being on a Religious Visit to Carolinia Accompanyed by our Friend William Ballinger
1766 1st Mo 29th Abagail [sic] Pike was at our Weekday Meeting on her Return Home to Carolinia
1766 7 Mo 26th Ester & Sidney Wright Attended our Meeting on their Return Home to Carolinia
1766 8 Mo 30th Martha Mendenhall was at our Mo & first day Meeting Said a Great Deal in both.
[p. 12]
1766 11 Mo 5th Thomas Crawthrop from old England was at our Meeting Accompanyed by Paul Osburn of New England Thomas had a laborous [sic] time Among us Exhorting in the authority of Truth to a Constant Watchfulness whereby Alone true Safety is Witnessed. They were on a Religious Visit going towards the Carolinias.
Our Friend Samuel Spencer was also at this Meeting on his Return Home from a visit to Friends at Hopewell
11 Mo 26th Martha Branson was Again at our Meeting and Spoke a few words
1767 2 Mo 28th Robert Willis from E x? New Jersey was at our Mo Meeting who Spoke Much in the Authority of Truth—this being his 2nd Visit
3 Mo 28th Mary Brooke from Maryland was at our Mo Meeting and Spoke a few Words which Contained much in Substance
[p. 13]
Likewise Sidney Wright from Hopewell was at this Meeting who Appeard much concernd to Rouse Friends to a more diligent waiting Upon the Lord
1767 9 Mo 20th Comfort Hoeg [sic] from New England was at our Meeting having a large and living Testimony to bear therein—her Companion was Sarah Barney a Valuable [sic] young woman from Nantuckett [sic] Isle—our said Friend Comfort Hoeg lay Very ill About 10 days at Mahlon Janneys Before she could get out to meeting
1767 26th of the 12 Mo Anne More Again Visited our Monthly & First day Meeting and Spoke so Livingly [sic] that it Affected Many of the hearers—Mary Comely Accompanyed her and had a few words of wholesome Advice in Each Meeting.
26th of ye 12 Mo William Matthews from York in Pensylvania was at our Mo and first day Meeting and said a few words in the Latter.
[p. 14]
1768 3Mo 13th Isaac Andrews & Joshua Thomson [sic] from the Jerseys was at our Meeting on their Return from Carolinia. Said Andrews Exhorted Friends to an Inward Retiremt of Mind waiting for Christ’s Teaching—and not to fix their Dependance [sic] on man
1768 3 Mo 17th William Hunt was Again at our Meeting on his Return from Religious Visits to the Northern Provences [sic] he had a large and living Testimoney to bear among us—his Companion Thomas Thornburgh—they went to Hopewell and Returned the 25th to our Mo Meeting having good Service therein they stayed our first day Meeting & went from there to Sandy Spring—thence to Hopewell Mo Meeting taking Bush Creek in their way
At our said Mo Meeting was Sidney Wright who staid first day meeting—her company being Exceptable [sic]
4 Mo 29th & 30th we were Visited by a Number of Friends by appointment from our Quarterly
Meeting in order to Assist us in some Difficult cases particularly with Reguard [sic] to Samuel Smith—their advice being helpfull [sic] to us therein Their names were- James More, William Downing ?, Wm Swain, Isaac Everitt, Isaac Whitlock? Wm Matthews, Thomas Pim & Joel Bailey
1768 5?th Mo 28th Martha Branson Again Visit our Mo Meeting which was exceptable [sic]
6 Mo 25th Henry Mash, Samuel Cope & Joel Bailey?—[page torn] was at our Mo Meeting being part of a Committee from our Quarterly Meeting Appointed in the 2nd Mo last, they were Accompanyed by Caleb Kirk who with a Committee of Friends of this Mo? Meeting, Visited Saml Smith
10 Mo 29th William Horn & Isaac Tansil? Visited our Mo Meeting in Truths Service
11 Mo 26th Our Monthly Meeting was Visited by several Friends among whom were Rachel Willson from old England, our Friend Ann More from Maryland & Sarah Morris from Philadelphia
[p. 16]
who had exceptable [sic] service among us particularly [sic] the Europian [sic] Friend whose gift in the Ministry is Very Excellent and her Service generally Exceptable [sic]—they all stayed our first day Meeting and were at Several other Meetings in these parts
1768 12 Mo 31st William Matthew & John Thomas??[in margin] from Warrington was at our Mo Meeting and stayed first day whose Visit we hope was well Recd
1769 1st Mo 25th Robert Valantine [sic] Attended our preparative [sic] Meeting Also stayed our Monthly and first day Meeting having Service in Each of those Meetings
3 Mo 25th our Friend Ester Harris Visited our Mo Meeting and had Exceptable [sic] Service therein
11 Mo 8th Thomas Charlton was at our Meeting at the 12th was here again and spoke Closely to Friends in the authority of Truth
12 Mo 30th Isaac Everitt & William Penrose were at our Mo Meeting likewise the 4th day following
[p. 17
whose Visit was Received by Mary? [page torn, several words] William Matthews was at the said Mo Meeting who came on purpose to Visit the perticular families of Friends which he preformed [sic] to Satisfaction being Accompanyed by some of the Members of our Meeting—
1770 4 Mo 28th we were Visited by a Committee from our Quarterly Meeting (to wit) Thomas Charlton James More Thomas Woodard [sic] Thos Fisher & Saml England & Humphrey Marshall? [margin] who were helpful to Friends in their Mo Meeting Charlton and More Appeard in the Ministry to Edification.
A further Acct of such Friends as have Visited Fairfax Mo Meeting Kept
By S. J.
Fairfax log book—transcription November 10-November 25, 2006 from original copy in WF archives shared by Taylor Chamberlin. Pages for the years 1770-1773 are missing.
THIS section begins as follows:
1st page (right)
1773 4th Mo 21st Our friends Susanah Lightfoot and Phebe Trimble were at our Preparitive Meeting as likewise at our Mo & first day Meeting following in all which their Ministry was attended with Life & Power giving Manifest Proof from whence they Recd their mission—[added later in different pen] Joseph West accompanied them—[end later addition]
Our Friends Esther Hains & Sudney [sic] Wright were at our Mo Meeting Aforesaid whose visit was satisfactory
8th Mo 15th Our Friends Sarah & Mihittebel Jenkins both from New England visited our Meeting on their Return from Carolinia and was at our Weekday Meeting on 4th day following—whose service among us was well received.
9th No 15th our Friends Mark Reeves & William Bradway from West Jersey were at our weekday Meeting. Also the day following had an evening Meeting with us in both Meetings Friends were Exhorted to beware of being Entangled with things Perfect [?] lest we fall short of obtaining what is more Valuable. Also to buy
2nd page (left)
the truth and Sell it not—
1773, 10th Mo 26th Our Friend Robert Walker from Old England Visited our Meeting on his Way to the South and whose Sound and Unaffected Ministry was well Received
At the same time we were favoured with a Committee from our Quarterly meeting, Viz: Wm Harvey, Wm Penrose, Thos Gibson, John Millhouse, Joshua Sharpless, Anne Chandler, Eliz. Nichols, Rebecca Chambers, Zilla Brown and Margaret Cook who Attended our preparative & Mo Meeting—their Services generally Exceptable to us
1773 13th of ye 11th Mo Our Friend Comford [sic] Hoeg & Elizabeth Southwick[?] from New England Visited our Meeting on their way to Carolinia and was Again at our Meeting on their return in the 6th Mo following the said Comfort Hoeg being an Antient [sic] Friend Endured the Journey well being supported through her service by the Invisible[?] hand
3rd page (right)
1774 1st Mo 12th Elizabeth Robertson from Old England was at our weekday Meeting on 4th day likewise the first day following being on her way to Carolinia. She also Visited our Mo Meeting the 31st of the 4th Mo on her return from the Southard [sic] whose Company & Service was Exceptable to Friends.
14th of the 5th Mo Same year Ann More visited our Meeting & was much favoured—among us
6th Mo 12th 1774 Our Friend Zacariah Dicks from N. Carolinia was at our Meeting & Appeard in an Extraordinary Manner among us
6th Mo 15th Same Year our Friend Mary Leaven [?] from England was at our Meeting on her Way to Hopewell & Returnd to our Mo Meeting the 25th—her Conduct & Conversation being Exemplary her more Public Service was well received
4th page (left)
1774 8th Mo 28th Anne Moore from Maryland was at our Mo Meeting and Appeared in the Ministry Exceptably to Friends
at said Meeting was Arthur Howell a Young Minister from Philadelphia he appear’d among us to general Satisfaction.
10th Mo 9th Our Friends Zacharia Dicks & John Carter were at our Meeting on their Return from New England. Zachary spoke a few words in a lively Manner Among us.
1775 1st Mo 1st Our Friend Morris Burbuth? was at our Meeting spoke a few words in a Tender Manner Exhorting us to Depend on the Lord in whom help is
2 Mo 15th Our Friend Abel Thomas from Pennsylvania visited this meeting in which
5th page (right)
he Exhorted Friends to Endeavour to be Quiet of mind their own Business [sic]; he appear’d to be an Innocent man Endow’d with a Valuable gift in the Ministry in the Exercise of which he was carefull
[beginning of different handwriting] 4Mo 23rd Ester Haines Attended our first day Meeting had a living Testimoney to bear Among Us
The same Month our Friends Nathan Yearnell, Wm Foster, Joshua Thompson, Samuel Smith, Edmund Williams, Hannah Reeve & Rebecca Wright part of our Yearly Meeting Committee Attended our preparitive Mo & First day meetings Divers of them had good Service therein; Our Friends Joshua Thompson and Hannah Reeve Return’d from Hopewell and joined several of our Members in a Visit to the Families of Friends belonging to this Meeting & parts of Goose Creek Attended our preparitive & Mo Meeting in the 5th Mo from whence they proceeded to Friends Yearly Meeting in Virginia and on their Return homeward was at our first day & Preparative Meetings in the 6th Mo their labours Among us being Mostly Satisfactory
10th Mo 11th Our Friends Samuel Easburn [sic] & Nicholas Waln [?] visited our Wednes- day Meeting & Appeared therein to Satisfaction
6th page (left)
1775 10th Mo 25th Our Friends Thomas Woodward, Wm Matthews, Wm Penrose & Benj Mason part of our Quarterly Meeting Committee Attended our preparative Monthly and first day Meeting their labour and Service therein was to Satisfaction [sic]
11th Mo 22 Our Friend Daniel Brown Attended our preparative Mo’ly & first day Meetings his Visit and Service among us was Exceptable to Friends
29th Our Friends Ester Hains & Sidney Wright Attended our Weekday Meeting & had Service therein to general satisfaction
12 Mo 6th Our Friend Isaac Zane [?] attend our Weekday Meeting & seemed to be favourd with the state thereof
12 Mo 3rd our Friend Mary Brooke was at our first day Meeting & was much favour’d—therein here Testimony being to the comfort & Refreshment of many
[back to earlier handwriting]
1776 1st Mo 7th Our Friend David Brooks from North Carolinia was at our Meeting and spoke to Friends satisfaction Declearing [sic] a time of Tryal [sic] was coming on us
3 Mo 24th Our Friend Anne Jessop Attended the meeting bore a living Testimoney there
7th page (right)
in, Perticularly s[ci] exhorting Elders & Aversors?? To Faithfullness—
4 Mo 17th Our Friend Ester Hains from Hopewell attended our weekday Meeting was Silent yet Exepplary [sic] therein—After which she attended Several of our Meetings being on a Riligious [sic] Visit to Friends Families Belonging to Goose Creek. She was generally favour’d with the State of things Among us & preform’d [sic] her service to abt 2 weeks to good Satisfaction
5Mo 5th We were Favour’d with the company of our Friends Robert Valentine, William Matthews & Joshua Baldwin from Pennsylvania who all appear’d in our Meeting to general satisfaction—f They being on their way to Virginia Yearly Meeting.
[back to second handwriting] 6Mo 17th was our Quarterly Meeting when we were Favour’d with the Company of our Friends, Samuel Eastburn, Isaac Pickering, James Moon, Mary Burkman & Sarah Cary from Bucks County, and Ester White, Susannah Lightfoot, Hannah West, Thomas Lightfoot, Benj. Hough, Isaac Whitlock, Hannah Carter, Anne Moore, Hannah Hanlin/Harlin, William Jackson, Jr. & William Marshal from Chester Cou, Hannah Foster, Hanna Reeve, Benj. Reeve & John Lipecout [?] from New Jersey (over)
8th page (left)
And Mary Cox from Maryland Divers of them being part of a Committee of our Yearly Meeting Attended Agreeably to Appointment and the Others from a draft of Gospel love whose Company was Exceptable & Satisfactory
29th of the 6th Mo was our Mo Meeting and Benj Reeve, Hannah Foster and Hannah Reeve Attended the same also our First day Meeting in which they were favoured to appear among us to good Satisfaction.
12Mo 16th was our Quarterly Meeting when we were favour’d with the company of our Friends Thos Ross, Mark Reeve, Sam’l Hopkins, George Dillwin and Joseph Lukens, the several sitings [sic] of our said Meeting were Solid & Serious and the Labour of our Friends Among us was to good Satisfaction.
1777 Our Friends Thomas Saint from North Carolinia Visited this Meeting in Company with John Pain.
12 Mo 21 Being our Quarterly Meeting we were favoured with the Company of our Friends Isaac Zane, John Parrish & William Jackson Jr. with Several other Friends who were on their way to Visit Divers Friends & others Banished from Philadelphia and confined in the Town of Winchester so that our
9th page (right)
said Friends were several times at our Meeting & their Company and Service Acceptable & Satisfactory.
2nd Mo 15, 1778 We were favour’d with the Company of Our Friend Joshua Brown whose service Among us was to General Satisfaction he being on a Religious Visit to the Southard.
5th Mo 23rd Mary Cox from Maryland Attended this Mo Meeting and Understand she had good Service therein
4 Mo [sic] 22nd John Pemberton and Several others Friends lately confined at Winchester attended our weekday meeting on their way Home they having obtained their Liberty or got a Release from their Confinement on Honorable Terms.
9 Mo 30th Abraham Griffith Visiting this Meeting (I being from Home) [sic] Rec’d a good Amount of his Service in these parts.
12 Mo 21st Being our Quarterly Meeting we were favoured with the Company of Our Friends Samuel Emlin, George Dillwyn & Benj. Reeve also Bennedick [sic] Durfey as Companion to Sam’l Emlin [inserted] and Joshua Brown Return’d from Carolina, He being Imprisoned there [end insert] This was a Memorable time of Favour Divinely Extended both to the Visittors [sic] & Visited which I desire may be Greatfully [sic] Remember’d.
10th page (left)
1779 6 Mo Quarter we were visited by our Friends Rebeca [sic] Jones & Rebecca Chambers whose Service in the Ministry & Company were to our Satisfaction. Isaac Zane, Ezekiel Cleaver, Warner Miflin & Geo. Churchman also attended the Several sitings [sic] of this meeting—whose company was Acceptable.
12th Mo Abel Thomas, Sam’l Hughes, Sam’l Emlin and Geo. Dillwyn Attended the Several Sittings of this Quarter which was thought to be in the Main a solid favourd meeting the Two latter continued in the Neighbourhood Several Weeks & Altho a Great Snow & Severe Cold weather they Visited many Families of Friends belonging to this Meeting Accompanyed by John Hough & Mahlon Janney which Service was thought to be in a good degree seasonable & Satisfactory—
21st of the 1 Mo 1780 Samuel Hopkins & John Parish on their return from Carolina Attend this Meeting
3rd of 12th Mo 1782 Samuel Emlin & Peter Yarnall attended this Quarterly Meeting whose Services were to Satisfaction David Brooks from Carolina, David Bacon & Arthur Honvell?? from Philadelphia whose labours amongst us were to edification & Comfort—
11th page (right)
2nd of 6 Mo 1783 Our friends James Thornton & Thomas Lightfoot attended this Quarterly Meeting. James’s labours were very extensive tending much to our help & instruction—
8th of 12 Mo 1783 Aaron Lancaster from New York Government attended this quarterly Meeting [his religious labours being acceptable]—scratched out—
7th of 6Mo 1784 Margaret Porter, Margaret Cooke, Mary Stephenson & Hannah Cathrall attended this Meeting with whose company & Services the Meeting untied, their labours in the Ministry to satisfaction their conduct & Conversation corresponding therewith—& Mary Dickinson from Pensylvania [sic] was also here on a Visit to this Quarter spoke on first day morning exhorting to Repentance & amendment of Life—
Samuel Emlin & Daniel Offley visited this Quarter in 1781 also some Meetings hereaway [sic] to Hopewell, their Company Religious, labours were very acceptable—
12th page (left)
7th of 6 Mo Edward Stabler attended this quarter his service acceptable & his company agreeable—
Through forgetfulness I omitted to minute the time that Samuel Emlen & William Lavery were here but think it was in the 6 Mo 1782 also Joseph Shotwell for the benefit of his health, their Company was much to our Satisfaction their labours profitably instructing
[different handwriting]
8th Mo Thomas Vickers Visited the most of the Meetings in these parts to Good Satisfaction—
12Mo 6 Being our Quarterly Meeting it was Attended by our Friends Isaac Zane, Hugh Judge, Isaac Jacob & Ezekiel Cleaver. It was a time of favor & fervent labour extended toward the gathering of Many Especially by Our friend Hugh Judge—who was at our weekday Meeting on 4th day & had memorable service he being eminently Favord therein to the tendering Many Harts [sic]
13th page (right)
At our Monthly Meeting 2d Mo Edith Sharpless was with us with her Companions Sarah Talbot & others Several Meetings where Line of Perview was suitably adapted to divers States being favoured with many Gospel Truths which tended to the Strength & Encouragement of the Sincere hearted, and to animate the Beloved Youth toward whom she was enlarjed [sic enlarged??] in Gospel Love
Joseph West and Sam’l Smith attended our Quarterly Meeting 5th day of the sixth Mo, whose Labours of Love were highly acceptable their Company and Conversation also exemplary.
Our Beloved Friends John Rour [?] & Thomas Colly [inserted: Gover] favoured us with their Company the 22nd day of the 11th Month 1785 being the Day of our Monthly Meeting, the first mentioned Friend was larjely [sic—largely] opened in Gospel Truths in that Meeting and the other friends sat the Meeting in Silence. They were also at our first day Meeting which was an instructive Time.
Thomas was at several Meetings with us afterward and likewise at our Quarterly
14th page (left)
Meeting held on the 5th of the 12th Month 1785 and Jonathan Kirkbride, John Simpson, John Lamburn, Amos Hollingsworth were present, whose Company & Labours were acceptable. Thomas Colly [written in tiny writing between lines] being a man of a deep and penetrating judgment of few words in conversation Yet deep?? in the Ministry and Exemplary thoroughness??.Our Friends John Townsend of Europe & Mrs. P. Purvis?/Rives? of the Jerseys was at our meeting ye 14th of ye 3rd mo 1786 Their company and Servus [sic—service?] was Very Acceptable being a Favour’d time Especially, Visitation to the Youth.
Our Friends Sarah Harrison, Mary England Thomas Evans & Wife & two young men accompanying them from Philadelphia Charles West & Thos. Rogers Jr all on their way from Virginia Yearly Meeting attended our Quarterly Meeting in the 6th Mo 1786 likewise our week day Meeting in the same Week whose labours amongst us were truly acceptable.
15th page (right)
Our Friend Thomas Scattergood & Charles Williams his companion both from Philadelphia, attended our Quarterly Meeting held in the 12th Month 1786 was a considerable time after engaged in visiting Families in the Neighbourhood, then proceeded to Red Stone & Thomas attended two of our Meetings on his return in the 3rd Month whose labours amongst us were Acceptable
Our Friend John Townsend from old England had an appointed Meeting at Fairfax the 23rd of the 4th Mo 1787 on his way to Red Stone & attended a first day meeting in the 5th Mo on his return to satisfaction.
A Committee from the Yearly Meeting (to wit) David Bacon, Jacob Linley, David Cooper, Benjamin Clerk, Benjamin Mason, Joseph West, William Blakey, Hanna West, Rebeckah Chambers, Hannah Price, Hannah Jackson & Mary Eastburn attended the opening of Fairfax Quarterly Meeting on the 6th Mo 1787 who Company & Labours were acceptable to us it was likewise attended by Richard & Thomas Titus
16th page (left)
from Long Island, Charity Cook & Rebekah [sic] Fincher from Carolina & Margaret Cash & Edith Fairhurst from Pennsylvania to satisfaction, Richard & Thomas Titus likewise attended our Mo. Meeting in the 6th Mo on their return from Hopewell to good satisfaction.
Our Friends William Jackson [inserted “from Ph[iladelphia?—page damaged] & Warren Miflin from Delaware & Elenor Ballard & her companion Mary Embree from South River, Virginia, attended a first day meeting at Fairfax in the 10th Mo 1787 whose company & labors were truly acceptable to us.
In ye 12 mo following Wm Jackson attended our Quarterly Meeting on 283 [sic] day also our Weekday Meeting on fourth day He had a fine certificate with him from Newgarden [sic] Monthly Meeting but he is but a poor creature & he is sensible of it.
[in difference handwriting] N.B. The above remark and handwriting is Wm. Jacksons which is his own account of himself but was greatly favoured and deeply led; laying? things close home? From York to the ___& disobedient. Our Esteemed Friend Wm Matthews attended our Mo Meeting in the first Month 1788 likewise
17th page (right)
our particular meeting the first day following Goose Creek Mo Meeting on 2nd day Leesburg on third Day and our meeting on Fourth day his company and salutary advice were comfortable and edifying.
Our esteemed Friends Jacob Lindley, Wm Savery, James Mood, Wm Richardson, Benjamin Mason, Abraham Gibbons, John Hunt, Wm Hartshorne Mary Swain, Margaret Cook, Ann Hampton, Ruth Paxon & Margaret Elliot; appointed by this Yearly Meeting to attend our Quarterly Meeting on the subject of a new arrangement, attended accordingly; their company & Labours amongst us being [salutary and—these two words scratched out] edifying; divers of them being favoured to draw Water as it were from the spring of Life; bearing up the weak hands, and comforting the heavy Hearted amongst us
Our Friends John Simpson & Jonathan Kirkbride visited our Meeting 2 Mo 1789
Our esteemed Friends Mary Ridgway and Jane Watson from Ireland Visited our meetings, attended our monthly meeting the 8th Mo 1790—those labours amongst us were Very Acceptable
Our Friend Job Scott Visited the meetings hen… and attended our Quarterly meeting in the 12th Mo 1789 [sic] as also our Friend Peter Yarnell whose Company & Labours were acceptable
18th page (left)
Our ancient Friend Zakariah Ferris? Attended our Meeting in the 2nd Mo 1791 his [scratched out: his labours of Love amon-] service being very acceptable—about the same time Lott Tripp (on his way to Carolinia) tarried several weeks amongst us—
Our Friend John Simpson was at our Quarterly Meeting in the 6th Mo his Company & close Labours were very acceptable as also the Company of several other Friends from different Quarters—
About the 8th Mo ’91, Silas Hallowell from Carolinia was at our Meeting on his way to Philadelphia and shortly after came Chalkley Allbison [?] from Carolinia who appeared to be a solid[?] Friend & favour’d amongst us, but being in a poor state of health return’d homeward from this place—
Our Friend Jacob Lindley attended our Quarterly Meeting in the 12th Mo 1791 his Labours being very extensive was truly acceptable.
19th page (right)
Our Friend Mary Brooke was likewise at said Quarterly Meeting & her service was very acceptable—
In the 4th Mo (or begining [sic] of 5th ) Ruth Kirk was at our Meeting & visited several Families in this Neighbourheood in which service she was favoured—
Our Esteemed Friend Thos Scattergood on his way to Carolinia attended our Quarterly Meeting in 6th Mo 1792 was at several of our particular Meetings, his service & Ministry being Edifying was truly acceptable [added later] and Josiah Bunting was his Companion.
Our Friends Margaret Cook & Dinah Lamburn [last few letters obscured] were at our Meeting on their way to the Quarterly Meeting at Hopewell from whence they went to Red Stone & were at our weekday Mtg on their return their Labours being acceptable—
[new handwriting] Our Esteem’d friends Thomas Scattergood on his return home attended our Quarterly meeting in the 6th Mo 1793 was greatly favoured at meeting an in many families [following scratched out} with his companion Josiah Bunton [sic].
20th page (left)
At the same Quarterly meeting Hannah Catheral [?] from Philadelphia had good Service and her Companion was Hannah Mitchel.
Ruth Kirk was here at the same Quarter on her return from Redstone she proceeded to Alexandria to visit families there
[different handwriting] 12 Mo 1793 Mary Barry from the Eastern Shore of Maryland & her companion Martha Yarnaly [?] from the same place attended our Appd Meeting to good Satisfaction on their Return from a Religious visit to the Southern States
8th Mo 1794 Deborah Darby & Rebekah Young from England attend an appointed Meeting on their way from the Southern to Northern State [sic] their Labours of Love amoungst us were very Edifying & acceptable.
Sarah Lundy [?] from New Jersey & her Companion Sarah Newlan from Pennsylvania attended an appd meeting here their service was acceptable they being on their way to Redstone on a Religious Visit—
21st page (right)
[Top 1½ inches missing in an even tear across the page:]
[new handwriting]….this Meeting on his way to the Southward. Nathan Cope was his Compannion. [sic]
Mary Brooke & her companion Casander [sic] Ellicot attended our monthly Meeting in 12th Mo 1795
Our friends Charity Cook & Susanah Hollingsworth attended the same monthly Meeting—
12th Mo 1795 Margaret Elgen [?] & Sarah Farquhar were at our Mo Meeting in the 6th Mo last—
About the same time Peter Yarnall & James Emlin attended a Meeting here as also Zachariah Ferriss of Wilmington, state of Delaware
John Wigham from England was here in the ___ Mo 179_
22nd page (left)
[Top 1 ½ inches missing in an even tear across the page:]
David Brooke & his companion [Wm Kirk??—half of line gone] were at Meeting here in the 12th Mo 1796
1798 3 Mo Susanah Matthews & companion Elias Hicks & Joseph Cooper attended Quarterly Meeting. Elias had to deliver some very close doctrine on the subject of Infidelity.
Chalkley Alberson & his companion Nathan Morris were here in the 8th Mo 1796—they were from Carolinia.
Jervise [sic] Johnston from Ireland and his companion Alexander Wilson were at our quarterly Meeting in the 10 Mo 1798.
James Low & Catlet Jones were here at the same time.
23rd page (right)
Elizabeth Coale & Hannah Jackson attended our Monthly Meeting in the 10th Mo 1798
Benjamin White son of Jos. White Bucks County call’d here on his return from a religious visit to the Southward & when just about to depart drop’s some very pertinent remarks & cautions to some present—
Christopher Anthony attended our Quarterly Meeting in the 3rd Mo 1799 as also Joseph Elgar—whose company was satisfactory and we hope to edification—
Henry Hull from the State of New York & Joshua Lord from Jersey attended this Meeting in the 7 Mo 1799 They also attended a Burial here Henry having good service—
Mary Swayne (or Swain_ from Little Britton [sic] & companion Hannah Pusey were at our Mo Meeting in the 10th Mo 1799
1st Mo 8th 1800 Isaac Bonsal [sic] accompanied by Nathan Sharpless both from Uwchlan Meeting—attended our Meeting & also a funeral on the next day. Isaac’s service was acceptable.
24th page (left)
1800 Our Esteemed friend Daniel Heavyland [sic, Haviland?] attended our Quarterly Meeting I the 3 month he was deeply exercised on our account may his labours of love be like bread cast on the Waters—he was from the state of New York
Richard Jourdan [?] also attended our sd Quarterly in Company with Jesse Copeland, Richard being on his way to Europe on a Religious visit his labors of Love were Truly acceptable
Hannah Reve accompanied by Hannah Trumble [?] from Concord in Pennsylvania attended our Mtg in 4 Mo to good satisfaction
Benjamin Sweat [?] & Phineas Lord attended our Monthly Meeting in the 6 Mo their company & Labours to love were very acceptable—they were both from New Jersey
Ruth Hockett from N. Carolina & her Companion Rachel Duke [?] attended our Meeting in the 8 Mo to satisfaction
25th page (right)
Our friends John Hale from England & Stephen Gurtell [?] from New York attend our first day Meeting in the 8 Mo they had a Meeting ap’d in the Afternoon in both of which they were concerned to labour for the promotion of truth and righteousness, particularly Stephen who seemed to be lead [sic] in an extraordinary manner to call and invite us to forsake the evil of our ways & pursue those things which make for our peace
Margaret Elgin & Sarah Farquhar from Pipe Creek attended our Quarterly Meeting in the 10 Mo and visited some families in the verge of this Meeting to general satisfaction they being much favourd.
__Mo 2nd, 1801 Our Esteemed Friends Jesse Hains & William Ellis having visited most of the Meetings within the verge of the Quarter and attended the Quarter also their Religious Labours of Love among us hath been truly acceptable.
26th page (left)
Our friends Sarah Watson & Phebe Yarnall attend our weekday meeting as also the School of several families in Waterford. Their Labours of love were acceptable. They were accompanied by Abram Pennel from Pennsylvania.
Our beloved friends Joseph Potts & Nathan Harper appointed a meeting at 4 o’clock in the afternoon on the sixth day of the week—the meeting was large and Joseph laboured closely in a fervent call to watchfullness, lest the Truth should fall in our streets
Our beloved Friend Ann Jessop from Pennsylvania accompanied by Phebe Stantry [?] attended a large meeting on first day, and bore a large and lively testimony to the Truth, commending it emphatically to the choice of the audience, ad preferable to all perishable attainments.
[phrase “from little York” inserted between these two paragraphs]
Our beloved friend Richard Mott from New York State accompanied by Daniel Titus attended most of the meetings belonging to
25th page (right)
our Quarterly meeting. Richard’s testimonies were generally large and very satisfactory. Our beloved friend Ezra Comfort, attended most of the meetings belonging to our Quarter, his labours were edifying and acceptable.
6th Mo 26th 1802
Our Esteemed Friend Margaret Elgar & Jane Hibbert attended our Mo meeting. Margaret’s company and Gospel Labours amoungst us hath been Edefying [sic] and acceptable to us. Our Esteemed friend Mary Yenboul/Venboul/Henboul attended the same meeting whose company and Labours of Love were also Edifying and acceptable. Her companion was Elizabeth Coleman.
At a Quarterly meeting on the 8th Mo 1802 Our Esteemed Friend Mary Brown attended this meeting Her Company and labors of Love were truly acceptable.
26th page (left)
Our Esteemed friend John Simson attended our monthly meeting in the 9th Mo 1804 his company and labor of love were truly acceptable and edifying.
Our Esteemed friends Ann Alexander and Mary Rotch [Roach?] came here on the 9th of the 1st Mo 1805 and continued until the 17th. Their company and Ann’s labours of love were acceptable and Edifying. On the 15th they appointed a Meeting in Leesburgh Ann was much favoured and the people generally satisfactory.
[new handwriting] Our esteemed friends Mercy Shreve and her companion Joyce Buckman and Caleb Shreve attended this Meeting in the seventh Month 1805—they appointed a meeting in afternoon of first day—one which Mercy was extensively engaged in Testimony to good Satisfaction.
27th page (right)
1805 4th Mo Our esteemed friend Charity Cook on her way to the Yearly Meeting in Phila attended our first day meeting & was favoured therein. Our esteemed friend Nathan Hunt and his companion Thomas Thornburgh attended our meeting in the 11th Mo 1805—In which Nathan was largely engaged in Gospel Labours to our satisfaction and edification.
Our Esteemed Friend Richard Mott and his Companion John Shoemaker attended our meeting on the first day preceding our Mo Meeting in the 11th Mo 1806 also ? Mo Meeting & our meeting on the first day following in all of which he was highly favour’d to Labour in Gospel Love for our advancement in righteousness.
1806 4 Mo Elizabeth Coggeshall & Elizabeth Byrd attend our first day Meeting on their way to Phila Yearly Meeting Their company & service was acceptable.
28th page (left)
1806 3 Mo Mary Brooke attended our monthly several other Meetings & visited most of the families belonging to the mo Meeting very acceptably
1806 9th Mo: Elizabeth Coggeshall & Mary Morton attended our first day Meeting. They had good service after which they attended Goose Creek & Southfork [sic] Meeting & returned to our fourth day meeting.
1806 11 Mo 2nd Dorcas & Lydia Gardner accompanied by Loban Mitchell all from Nantucket attended our first day Meeting On Second day visited several families some of whom were sick, their service was very acceptable.
29th page (right)
Sometime in the year 1810 our friends Catharine Leeds & Hannah Yarnall from Pennsylvania attended our Meeting on their way to the western country, their company ever acceptable.
1811 Our esteemed friends John Baily & Micajah Collins from New England Attended our meeting, their company & Labor of Love were very acceptable.
1811 Caleb McCumber & his companion from New England were here their labors were well received.
1812: Jonathan Taylor & his wife from the State of Ohio attended our meeting on their way from the Virginia Yearly Meeting their company was exceptable [sic] among us
1812 10th Mo Our friends John Shoemaker & Wm Bayley of Pennsylvania accompanied by our ancient friend Evan Thomas of Balt attend all the Monthly Meetings belonging to our Quarter their Labor of Love was Edifying.
END OF DOCUMENT halfway down page; no back cover
___, Mary, 8
Chalkley, 19
Ann, 22
Alexandria, 18
Chalkley, 17
Amos, Wm.
Maryland, 1
Andrews, Isaac
Jersey, 7
Jerseys, 7
Christopher, 20
David, 14, 16
Bailey, Joel, 7
Bailey, Joseph
Black Water, 3
John, 23
Joshua, 12
Elenor, 16
Ballinger, Mary, 3
Ballinger, William, 6
Baltimore, 23
Barney, Sarah
Nantuckett Isle, 6
Mary, 18
Bartram, James
Pennsylvania, 2
Wm., 23
Black Water, 3
William, 16
Bonsal, [sic]
Isaac, 20
Bradway, William, 9
Branson, Martha, 5, 6, 7
Crooked Run, 4
David, 19
Mary, 11, 18, 19, 22
Brooke, Mary, 3
Maryland, 6
David, 11, 14
Daniel, 11
Joshua, 13
Mary, 22
Zilla, 9
Brown, David, 4
Brown, Elizabeth
Yearly Meeting, 3
Brown, Margrett, 4
Joyce, 22
Bucks County, 12
Bucks County, PA, 20
Buller, Richard
Pennsylvania, 1
Buller, Thomas
Carolina, 4
Josiah, 18
Bunton, [sic]
Josiah, 18
Morris, 10
Mary, 12
Bush Creek Meeting, 5, 7
Elizabeth, 22
Carolina, 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16
Carolinas, 6
Carolinia, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19
Hannah, 12
John, 10
Sarah, 12
Margaret, 16
Catheral, [?]
Hannah, 18
Hannah, 14
Chamberlain, Jonas & wife, 4
Rebecca, 9, 13
Rebeckah, 16
Anne, 9
Charlton, Thomas, 8
Chester County, 12
Geo., 13
Ezekiel, 13, 15
Benjamin, 16
Elizabeth, 19
Elizabeth, 22, 23
Elizabeth, 22
Micajah, 23
Thomas, 15
Comely, Mary, 7
Ezra, 21
Concord, PA, 20
Charity, 16, 19, 22
Margaret, 9, 17, 18
Margaret, 14
David, 16
Nathan, 19
Cope, Samuel, 7
Jesse, 20
Mary, 12, 13
Crawthrop, Thomas
England, 6
Crooked Run, 4, 5
Deborah, 18
Delaware, 16
Mary, 14
Zacharia, 10
Zachariah, 10
Dillwin, [sic]
George, 12
George, 13
Downing, William, 7
Rachel, 20
Bennedick [sic], 13
Samuel, 11
Mary, 16
Samuel, 12
Joseph, 20
Margaret, 21
Elgen, [?]
Margaret, 19
Margaret, 21
Ellicot, [sic]
Casander [sic], 19
Margaret, 17
William, 21
Mary, 16
Emlen, [sic]
Samuel, 14
James, 19
Sam’l, 13
Samuel, 13, 14
England, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20
Mary, 15
England, Saml, 8
Europe, 15, 20
Thos & wife, 15
Everitt, Isaac, 4, 7, 8
Edith, 16
Sarah, 21
Ferris [?]
Zakariah, 17
Ferris, Benjamin
Wilmington, 4
Ferriss, [sic]
Zachariah, 19
Rebekah, 16
Fisher, Thos, 8
Hannah, 12
Wm, 11
Gap Meeting, 4, 5
Dorcas, 23
Lydia, 23
Abraham, 17
Thos, 9
Goose Creek, 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 23
Goose Creek Meeting, 5
Thomas?, 15
Greenleaf, Isaac
Philadelphia, 2
Abraham, 13
Griffith, John
England, 5
Gurtell, [?]
Stephen, 20
Ester, 10
Ester, 11, 12
Jesse, 21
Hains, Esther, 9
John, 20
Hall, Alice
England, 2
Silas, 17
Ann, 17
Hannah. See Harlin
Hannah. See Hanlin
Nathan, 21
Harris, Ester, 8
Harris, Hannah
England, 2
Sarah, 15
Wm., 17
William, 9
Daniel. See Heavyland
Heavyland, [sic]
Daniel. See Haviland
Henboul. See Yenboul, Venboul
Hervey, William, 3
Jane, 21
Elias, 19
Ruth, 20
Comford [sic], 9
Hoeg, Comfort
New England, 6
Amos, 15
Susanah, 19
Arthur, 14
Hopewell, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18
Sam’l, 12
Samuel, 14
Horn, WIlliam, 7
Benj., 12
John, 13
Hough, John, 2
Arthur, 10
Sam’l, 13
John, 17
Nathan, 22
Hunt, William, 1, 7
North Carolina, 1
Ireland, 17, 19
S., 8
Hannah, 16, 19
William, 16
William Jr., 12
Jackson, Isaac, 4
Isaac, 15
James River, 2
Mahlon, 13
Janney, Elizabeth, 5
Janney, Mahlon, 6
Jenkins, Mihittebel, 9
Jenkins, Sarah, 9
Jersey, 20
Jerseys, 7, 15
Ann, 21
Anne, 11
Jervise [sic], 19
Catlet, 19
Rebeca [sic], 13
Jones, Benjamin
New Jersey, 2
Jones, Joseph
Maryland, 1
Jones, William
New Jersey, 2
Richard, 20
Hugh, 15
Ruth, 18
Kirk, [?]
Wm., 19
Kirk, Caleb, 7
Jonathan, 15, 17
Dinah, 18
John, 15
Aaron, 14
William, 14
Mary, 10
Catharine, 23
Leesburgh, VA, 22
Lewis, William. See Levis, William
Susannah, 12
Thomas, 12, 14
Lightfoot, Susanah, 9
Jacob, 17
Jacob, 16
Lipecout [sic],
John, 12
Little Britton, 20
Long Island, 16
Joshua, 20
Phineas, 20
James, 19
Joseph, 12
Sarah, 18
Maris, Jonathan
Pennsylvania, 2
Marsh, Henry
Pennsylvania, 1
William, 12
Marshall?, Humphrey, 8
Maryland, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13
eastern shore, 18
Mash, Henry, 3, 4, 6, 7
Benj, 11
Benjamin, 16, 17
Matthew, William
Warrington, 8
Susanah, 19
William, 11, 12
Wm., 16
Matthews, George
Carolina, 2
Matthews, William, 3, 8
Pennsylvania, York, 7
Matthews, Wm, 7
Caleb, 23
Mendenhall, Martha, 5, 6
Warner, 13
Warren, 16
Millhouse Jr, Thomas
Yearly Meeting, 3
John, 9
Hannah, 18
Loban, 23
James, 17
James, 12
Anne, 10, 12
Ann, 10
More, Andrew, 4
More, Ann, 5
Maryland, 8
More, Anne, 7
Maryland, 5
More, James, 3, 7, 8
Yearly Meeting, 3
Morgan, Daniel
Pennsylvania, 1
Nathan, 19
Morris, Sarah
Philadelphia, 8
Mary, 23
Mott,, 21
Richard, 21, 22
- Carolina, 20
- Carolinia, 10
Nantucket, 23
Nantuckett Isle, 6
New England, 6, 9, 10, 23
New Jersey, 2, 12, 18, 20
New Jersey, Exeter?, 6
New York, 14, 20, 21
Newgarden [sic] Monthly Meeting, 16
Sarah, 18
Newland, Anne
Pennsylvania, 2
Eliz., 9
Nocks, Sarah, 5
North Carolina, 1, 5
North Carolinia, 11, 12
Northern Provinces, 7
Norton, Elizabeth
North Carolina, 5
Daniel, 14
Ohio, 23
Osburn, Paul
New England, 6
John, 12
John, 14
John, 12
Ruth, 17
John, 13
Abram, 21
Pennsylvania, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 16, 18, 21, 23
William, 9
Wm, 11
Penrose, William, 8
Pensylvania, 14
Ph[iladelphia?, 16
Phila, 22
Philadelphia, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Pickerall, John
Pennsylvania, 3
Isaac, 12
Pierce, Hannah, 4
Pike, Abagail
Carolina, 6
North Carolina, 5
Pim, Thomas, 7
Pipe Creek, 21
Margaret, 14
Joseph, 21
Hannah, 16
Price, Mary
Maryland, 23
Proud, Robert
England, 2
Purvis [?],
Mrs. P.. See Rives?
Hannah, 20
Red Stone, 16, 18
Red, Adam, 3
Redstone, 18
Rees, Henry
Hopewell, 3
Benj., 12, 13
Hanna, 12
Hannah, 11, 12
Mark, 12
Reeves, Mark, 9
Hannah, 20
Wm., 17
Mary, 17
Rigby, James
Maryland, 2
Rigby, Sarah, 4
Mrs. P.. See Purvis
Roach, [?]
Mary. See Rotch
Elizabeth, 10
Robertson, Mary
Pennsylvania, 3
Thos. Jr., 15
Thos, 12
Ross, Thomas
Pennsylvania, 5
Rotch, [sic]
Mary. See Roach
Rour, [?]
John, 15
Rukitt, WIlliam
England, 4
Thomas, 12
Sandy Spring Meeting, 7
Wm., 17
Scarborough, John
Pennsylvania, 3
Thomas, 16, 18
Thos., 18
School, 21
Job, 17
Edith, 15
Joshua, 9
Nathan, 20
John, 22, 23
Joseph, 14
Caleb, 22
Mercy, 22
Sidwell, Margret, 4
John, 15, 17
John, 22
Smith John
Black Water, 3
Sam’l, 15
Samuel, 11
Smith, Sam’l, 7
Smith, Samuel, 7
Snow & severe cold, 13
South River, Virginia, 16
Southern states
to northern states, 18
Southern States, 18
Southfork, 23
Elizabeth, 9
Spencer, Samuel, 4, 6
Pennsylvania, 1
Edward, 14
Stantry, [?]
Phebe, 21
Mary, 14
Steven, John
England, 2
Stevenson, John, 2
Stought, Charles, 5
Mary, 17. See Swayne
Swain, Wm, 7
Mary. See Swain
Sweat, [?]
Benjamin, 20
Sarah, 15
Tansil?, Isaac, 7
Jonathan & wife, 23
Abel, 10, 13
Evan, 23
Thomas?, John
Warrington, 8
Joshua, 11
Thomson, Joshua
Jerseys, 7
Thomas, 22
Thornburgh, Thomas, 7
James, 14
Daniel, 21
Richard, 16
Thomas, 16
John, 15, 16
Trimble, Phebe, 9
Lott, 17
Trumble, [?]
Hannah, 20
Uwchlan, 20
Valantine, Robert, 8
Robert, 12
Venboul, [?]
Mary. See Yenboul, Henboul
Thomas, 14
Virginia Yearly Meeting, 12, 15, 23
Walker, Robert, 9
Nicholas, 11
Warrington, 8
Jane, 17
Sarah, 21
West Jersey, 9
Charles, 15
Hanna, 16
Hannah, 12
Joseph, 15, 16
West, Hannah
Yearly Meeting, 3
West, Joseph, 9
western country, 23
Benjamin son of Jos, 20
Ester, 12
Jos, father of Benj., 20
Isaac, 12
Whitlock, Isaac, 4, 7
John, 19
Wilkinson, Elizabeth
England, 2
Charles, 16
Edmund, 11
Willis, Robert
New Jersey, Exeter?, 6
Willson, Rachel
England, 8
Wilmington, 4
Wilmington DE, 19
Alexander, 19
Winchester, 13
Woodard, Thomas, 8
Thomas, 11
Rebecca, 11
Sidney, 11
Wright, Ester, 3
Carolina, 6
Wright, Sidney, 3, 4, 7
Carolina, 6
Hopewell, 6
Wright, Sudney, 9
Hannah, 23
Peter, 14, 19
Yarnaly, [?]
Martha, 18
Peter, 17
Yearly Meeting, 3
Yearly Meeting in Virginia, 11
Nathan, 11
Yenboul, [?]
Mary. See Venboul, Henboul
York (little), 21
York, Pennsylvania, 7
Rebekah, 18
Isaac, 11, 12, 13, 15