The Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance conducted a comprehensive impact study of NextEra’s proposed new transmission lines in rural Loudoun County. Data for the 137-page report was collected from multiple member organizations, community testimonies, PJM Interconnection’s original reports, academic research, and Loudoun County mapping services. This report shows the vast role that Loudoun’s rural economy and heritage play in the county, and what would be lost if transmission lines were constructed.
Read on below to see some infographics about how the proposed impacts would affect Loudoun! The full impact statement is available at this link. At the bottom of the page, you can read individual organizations impact statements that were submitted.
Authors: Jim Hanna, Bob Pollard, and Sue Manch of the Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance

Individual Organizations Reports and Statements: some of these reports were created using a template created by the Waterford Foundation, Inc.
- Aldie Heritage Association
- Catoctin Creek Scenic River Advisory Committee
- Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains
- Hamilton Station Road Coalition
- Laurel Hill
- Loudoun County Bed and Breakfast Guild
- Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance- Lovettsville Chapter
- Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy
- Loudoun Wineries and Winegrowers Association
- Old Wheatland Estates HOA
- Scenic Loudoun Legal Defense
- Save Rural Loudoun Foundation
- Waterford Foundation, Inc.